Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) a long term undergrad program properly associated Course gives significant training in the space of Computer Application. With the quick development of IT industry worldwide, the interest of PC proficient is expanding step by step. This expanding development of IT industry has set out a ton of open doors for the PC graduates. If you want to know best BCA college near by you, read full blog.
Program Eligibility
Breeze through twelfth or identical test with English and Mathematics or Computer Science/Informatics Practice/Computer Applications/Multimedia and Web Technology/Data Management Application/Web Application with least half checks.
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
The program gives a sound scholarly base from which a high level profession in Computer Application can be created, Students have a splendid future in the IT field as they can take up sufficient positions as Programmers, Network Administrators, Search Engine Experts, Database chairmen, Web engineers, Web architects and develop to become project directors.
Best BCA Colleges in Greater Noida
Advertisement on Trainings for BCA Students
Preparing in online business , Training in Java , Training in C++, Lectures by Professionals on Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain, Cloud figuring, Internet of Things, Big Data, Workshop on Body Language , Workshop continue making , Workshop on Motivation.
Following are the BCA College close to me in Greater Noida
Birla Institute of Management Technology – [BIMTECH]
Mangalmay Institute Of Management And Technology – [MIET]
Harlal Institute Of Management And Technology
Ruler Institute Of Innovative Technology (PIIT)
Joined Group Of Institutions-[UGI]
IEC Group Of Institutions
IIMT Group Of Colleges
Noida Institute Of Engineering And Technology – [NIET]