The IIMT College of engineering is accredited by NAAC & NBA is premium MBA institute in India located in Gr. Noida (U.P), Uttar Pradesh. MBA degree is 2 years full-time programme, approved by AICTE and affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University (APJAKTU), Lucknow and aim to provide the student to get expertise on various aspects of Management like HR, IB, Finance, Marketing etc.
IIMT provides to MBA degree which gives confirmed ticket to enter the corporate world. Lots of aspirants and employee, who is working in corporate can do new and advanced courses in MBA to speed up their career growth so that they impress the much needed management expertise and business acumen. IIMT MBA degree rank adds value and weight to one’s resume which gives an edge over others who don’t have.
In previous days having a graduate degree was considered a huge achievement in itself. This help full to make mindset dominated for long. However, if we talk about in the current context and tough market requirement, only one degree which helps to get your dream job i.e. an MBA degree is only the option which gives solution to improve your personality with stand out from the rest of the crowd and add wings to your career growth. MBA degree program today have a unique value.
Best MBA College in Northern India
In today’s, the education industry has valuable a major transformation for the lots of opportunities, it offers to students allowing each one to pursue the career of their choice like in Marketing, IB, Finance, HR etc. which is very highly demandable field in Corporate.
Lots of students applying for MBA programs national wide as well as MBA international programs are from two to one year MBA programs but if students do MBA from IIMT that will give more advantages comprising of national wide. The Company looks for differentiators energetic persons who have talent in different aspect.
Some time availability of jobs for fresh candidates low, due to the global slowdown and other market factors.
If students do MBA programme from IIMT then they can able to get a great opportunity to hone their extra ordinary skills.
MBA graduates get best placements from IIMT College, MBA degree ensures the employer of the candidate of having a basic level of competency. MBA graduates do have a more job offer as compared to a student with a bachelors degree alone.