Computer Science

Consider these relevant computer science career paths for computer science graduates.

AI and machine learning:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key component of the Fourth Industrial Revolution as it has been used in various fields such as our homes, cars, and businesses. Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that can learn from data. This technology can help improve the efficiency of our operations and society.

The potential of this industry is immense if you are capable of thinking critically and creatively. You want to play a leading role in the global economy.

AI and machine learning job titles: 

  • Machine learning engineer
  • Data scientist
  • AI researcher

Common job requirements: 

You must have a Master’s degree in computer science or a Bachelor’s degree in computer science to be successful in this field. Robotics is a growing field that focuses on developing robots that can perform various tasks, such as assisting in surgery. A foundation in computer science will allow you to program programs that help virtual and physical bots operate properly.

This field is for you if you like Computer programming and electrical engineering as engineering enjoys active projects.

Robotics job titles: 

  • Robotics engineer
  • Robotics technician
  • Software developer

General job requirements: Bachelor’s degree in computer science or software, mechanical engineering, or electrical engineering, computer-aid design (CAD) software, C ++ or Python technology.

Computer Forensics
Computer forensics is at the crossroads of legal and computer science. Computer forensics, also called data or digital forensics is responsible for the acquisition and analysis of digital evidence obtained from computers, networks, and digital storage devices. You may work in a crime lab, law department, or other public agency, or as an independent contractor.
This field is for you if you are naturally curious and are interested in cybercrime and law enforcement.

Computer forensics job titles:

  • Digital forensics specialist
  • Computer forensics investigator
  • Forensic computer analyst

General Job requirements: Bachelor’s degree in computer science or computer security, a recognized certificate for digital forensics.

Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking
Cyber security means the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, programs, and mobile devices from unauthorized access or digital attacks. Cyber attacks are ranked among the fastest-growing crimes, increasing the worldwide need for cyber security skills.
Direct hacking takes the fastest form of cyber security by trying to detect the dangers before malicious criminals are committed. in Computer Science