Before knowing the relation between technology and human welfare one must know the meaning of technology. What exactly this word tells us about? Which things can be called as a technology? Under This Article Checkout HOW CAN TECHOLOGY BE USED FOR HUMAN WELFARE.

So, technology can be defined as both material and immaterial, created by the application of mental and physical effort in order to easier the work and fasten the work process. It includes things like car, washing machine, refrigerator, smartphone and so on. Also, I must mention that everything this world has its own good as well as bad effects or we could say being good or bad thing always depends upon how we use it. So, by focusing on the brighter side of the topic let’s continue with the good one.
We all know that now-a-days technology is involved in our every part of working i.e., from waking up with the help of alarm to ending up the day after watching our favorite T.V. show. These are the basic parts of the technology.
So, now moving towards the measure part of it I would love to mention the most used technology by almost every person around the world which is our smartphone that consist of many technologies within itself alone such as clock, GPS, google (an ocean of technologies within itself) and so on is one of the most helpful and supporting technology that easier things for us.

It’s a mini world having all the solution of the problems one is facing in his/her life (except emotional one). Helps us connect to our loved once through digital connect such as phone calls and video calls and even through healthy chats.
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So, at the end by concluding my topic I would like to mention or can say it an advice that everyone must use the technology in a way to serve to the human welfare instead of harming it. Please focuson the brighter and good side of it and do productive of it.

Not only technology but also all other this as well must be done in a way to do something good and better so that we could provide a better tomorrow to our loved once. That’s it in HOW CAN TECHOLOGY BE USED FOR HUMAN WELFARE . For any further Query Just make a Call to us.