In recent time India gets very much growth in number of Higher Educational Institutions. Numbers of initiative taken by Ministry of Human Recourse and Development (MHRD) and University Grant Commission (UGC) to control the quality of Institutions. As result UGC developed an autonomous body in year 1994 called NAAC.NAAC Accredited College Greater Noida Uttar Pradesh.

“NAAC is an India’s Institutions assessment agency to assess the quality of Higher Education Institutions”
The head quarter of NAAC is in Bangalore. NAAC means National Assessment and Accreditation Council. It is a very essential tool which differentiates accredited colleges with not accredited. NAAC logo on institution shows quality of Higher Educational Institution like BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) logo on products shows the quality of products.
There are so many benefits to college and students (Alumni’s) due to NAAC Accreditation like, International company shows interest in Alumni during their placement, Reputed company show interest to visit in campus for placement, Better and planned academics policy,
Maintain Healthy and competitive environment for students, Easily scholarship is approve by Social welfare Department to students, Easily education loan is approved by bank to students Improve and update the quality of library, Enhance the research and innovation work for students, Improved and updated lab quality as per curriculum, Improve Infrastructure as per curriculum,
Government funding agencies shows interest in funding project and easy to allot project to professor, Improve trustworthiness of student, For tie up with reputed university over the entire world, Give positive impact for admission, Improve Workshop quality and Its act as catalyst to improve the identity, quality and brand value of Institutions,
In Greater Noida there are approximate 30 Higher Educational Institution in which only four to five Institutes is accredited with NAAC. IIMT College of Engineering Greater Noida is one of them which is Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade. That’s it in NAAC Accredited College Greater Noida Uttar Pradesh ,If you like the content kindly share.