There are two types of Polytechnic colleges in the Greater Noida –
1. Government Polytechnic colleges
2. Self financed Polytechnic colleges
Both types of colleges are affiliated from BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION UTTR PRADESH ( BTEUP ) .

These polytechnic colleges offers diploma in various engineering trades and also offers different vocational courses as shown in following —-
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Automobile Engineering
- Computer Application and Business Management
- Die and Tool Making
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Electronics and Communication
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Electronics Production Technology
- Architecture
- Chemical Engineering
- Applied Electronics
- Medical Electronics
- Computer Hardware Maintenance
- QS and CM
- Biomedical Engineering
Those students who are keen to get admission in these colleges they must have qualification at least 10th passed .
These colleges also proving part time as well as full time courses .
To take admission in these colleges students have to be appeared in JEECUP-21
Entrance exam ( Joint Entrance Exam Council of Uttar Pradesh )
Those students who have passed 12th class they can get admission in diploma in second year by lateral entry process.
Following are some Top 08 Polytechnic colleges in Greater Noida .
1.( 1570) I I M T College of Polytechnic, A-20, Knowledge Park – iii, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddh Nagar.
2. Government Polytechnic College Badalpur Greater Noida
3.(1515) Prince Institute of Innovative Technology, Plot No.-9, Knowledge Park-3 Greater Noida, Gautambuddha Nagar
4. (1688) Greater Noida Polytechnic College, Plot No-6b, Knowledge Park- 2 , Greater Noida, Gautam Buddh Nagar
5.(1691) RAM –EESS institute of Engineering and technology Greater Noida Gautam Budhha Nagar,
6.(1652) Accurate Institute Of Polytechnic, Plot No-49, Knowledge Park- iii, Greater Noida, Gautam Budhha Nagar-201306,
7.(1648) Vishveshwarya Institute Of Polytechnic, Village- Beel, Akbarpur, Tahseel- Dadri, Gautam Budhha Nagar-203207, 8.(1074) Skyline Institute Of Engineering Plot No-3,Knowlede Park ii,Greater Noida,Gautam Buddh Nagar-201308
This is It in Polytechnic College in Greater Noida Apply Here For Polytechnic Admission .