Polytechnic, shortly elaborated as technical diploma course. The course has stored in vocational education in various specialized streams such as: technology, sciences, engineering and many more technical subjects. There are many polytechnic colleges affiliated to state government or other private organizations. Polytechnic looks an attractive course due to its speciality that one can build early career after pursuing this course and has a well-defined syllabus.

Polytechnic Syllabus

One of the most reputed institutions, IIMT COLLEGE OF POLYTECHNIC, along-with a satisfyingly beautiful infrastructure, educative environment and being well facilitated, comfortable and freshly surrounded environment; it also offers various branches for polytechnic course such as Electrical, Mechanical and Civil.

The course is a three year program wherein each year has different and ‘aiming to build practical intellect of the student’, course.

The course of first year is same for all the three branches namely: civil, mechanical and electrical. First year comprises of mainly four subjects that are: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and communication skills. Polytechnic syllabus is same for first year throughout the branches is due to the reason that every individual must have basic knowledge of core subjects like physics, chemistry, mathematics and also communicative skills that carry the most important skill, high in demand and a necessity to survive a career in the modern era. Communication skill has English as the subject, which is necessary for each student to study, irrespective of his/her branch.

The second and the third year comprise of various branch specific subjects such as Basic electrical engineering, Analog electronics, General engineering, Environment, etc. Branch based subjects are a little bit complex but if taught at a comforting, knowledgefull, practical based environment nothing seems complicated to understand.

There is a way, a route to everything that follows. Through our special guest lectures, webinars, sessions, modern education system along-with expertized faculty and researchers, we aim at providing better understanding for our students.