MAT stands for Management Aptitude Test and is an eligibility criteria for admission into Top MBA colleges. It is presumed that without qualifying Management Aptitude Test the level of student is not developed for becoming a Management professional. MAT was started by All India Management Association, New Delhi to shortlist the candidates from the mass.
IIMT consider MAT score as one of the criteria for selection to MBA programs of the students who usually apply for Management qualifications from all across India. Through MAT the basic eligibility as Mangement aptitude is checked for the students applying for MBA program . IIMT not only inculcate the best students from across the country but also prepares them to become future managers in all fields of management. Be it Marketing or finance or Human resource Management our students are serving the society and organisation at large. IIMT offers dual specialisation in MBA to accustom them to multitasking, which is the need of the hour. These dual specialised students look and serve under various head in the corporate world and compete in Public sector too.
At IIMT the training cell is working day and night to accommodise the students of MBA for the corporate sector. Training cell equips them with Management aptitude, Reasoning, Quantitative aptitude which is required for analytics and also prepare them for Group Discussion and Mock Interviews. These sessions helps students for preparation for the future challenges and developing the art of self confidence Besides training the corporate sector is an important part of the academic course curriculum. We incorporate changes in the syllabus as per the requirement of the market. Also we offer specialization into Marketing, HR, Finance, International business & Operations management to cover vast variety of industrial sector either from Product or service industry.
Top MBA colleges with low fees structure in Greater Noida
India is a pool of talent and amongst the best students we can find students coming from a poor background. In order to support the underpreviledged students IIMT offers the minimum affordable fee for its MBA program. The academic fee for IIMT is among the lowest in Greater Noida area of NCR region. The lower fee structure invite academic talents who cannot support higher fee structures as charged by IIMs and top notch private B Schools.
This does not mean that when IIMT is charging lower fee then they might be compromising with quality in education. IIMT follows strict quality protocols when it comes to academics. IIMT have supervisory and QC monitoring system to ensure best quality education in practice. IIMT have a vast pool of intellectuals in the form of academcians coming from the best colleges in India. Faculty at IIMT is supporting R&D, IIC Activities and ED Cell. Besides IIMT have a mentor-mentee system which caretakes each and every student from the grassroot level to final level of selection into the company.
To its credit MBA program at IIMT is NAAC accredited, NIRF Recognised and part of respected communities like Times of India, Business World, Outlook and The week. IIMT is receiving accolades from prestigious institutions like India Today, CSR and Zee education. These are the symbols of quality which signifies that in spite of lower academic fee we are offering the best education standards at par with IIMs, which they are offering at a very high price tags.
IIMT offers meritorius students scholarship of more than 2 Crores every year so that the underprivildged students can avail benefits of sharing their burden of fee. Besides IIMT offers foreign trips and scholarship with the support of UP Govt to help the needy and bright students. These offering support students to cope up the difference of financial burden and sharpen the skills. Which in turn is evident from the placement record of IIMT.