IIMT Polytechnic is the traditional name for institutions of higher dealing with DIPLOMA at the undergraduate levels. There is currently only polytechnics that operate as independent polytechnic schools that belong to BTEUP. Check Top Private Polytechnic College here.

It consists mainly of Engineering departments and their programs have a duration of 3 years (full-time). The legal framework of their operation is the same as the one of the boards, and their diploma holders have equal rights with the graduates of public indian universities/board. Indian polytechnics are also referred to as Technical polytechnics.
Polytechnic have the following departments:
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering Production
- Department of Mechanical Engineering Maintenance
The Board of technology and diploma have been in existence since at least the 18th century, but became popular after 2nd World War with the expansion of polytechnic/diploma and science education, associated/linked with the new needs observed by top industrialization.

The Polytechnic/Diploma in Engineering or in Technical Education is a program focused on practical and skills related training. It is a technical/professional course/programme that covers the most essentials when ranked with a top Polytechnic/Diploma.
It aims to provide students with industry or job related w Polytechnic/Diploma knowledge, scientific skills and analysis, mathematical great techniques, a sound knowledge of English to communicate in all field and ability to apply any problem-solving techniques.
Many countries in current scenario recognize it as equivalent to pre-engineering course or bridging course when considered for continuing further studies in engineering related bachelors or associate degree programs /courses.

After successful completion of Polytechnic/Diploma in engineering course, diploma students can either continue further engineering studies in undergraduate level or get employment as junior engineers, sub engineers, associate engineers, technicians , superintendents, machinist, workshop top technicians, draftsman, all station technicians (energy, thermal, aeronautical), maintenance and service technicians, equipment mechanics and technicians, CAD / CAM programmer, agricultural overseers, instrument technicians, junior/senior instructors, manufacturers, tool and die designers, electricians…etc
This is it in Top Private Polytechnic College. Apply Here For Admission .