In B.Ed. course curriculum is meant to familiarise students with all elements of their career as a teacher. They need to know about the philosophy of education, history related to education committee, use of technology in education. As a
result, B.Ed. candidates must be able to comprehend the learning process or how learning occurs, create a suitable or conducive learning environment, and provide students with a variety of opportunities to observe, experiment, reflect,
and question. As a result, the Bachelor of Education course curriculum is structured in such a way that students must learn about the following topics:
B.Ed. First Year
- Contemporary India and Education
- Philosophy and sociological perspective of Education
- Growing up as a learner
- Teachers Teaching and Technology Pedagogy
- Pedagogy of a School Subject – 1
- Pedagogy of School Subject – 2
B.Ed. second year
- Creating an Inclusive School
- Gender, School and Society
- Knowledge and Curriculum
- Assessment for Learning
- Work Education, Gandhiji’s Naitalim and Community Engagement
- Optional paper. Any one need to select
A. Educational Administration and management
B. Guidance and Counselling
C. Environmental Education
D. Computer Education
E. Health physical Education and yoga
F. Life style management