In B.Ed Program me, Pupil-teachers are trained to become effective teachers. An effective B. Ed Lesson Plan and teacher is that who does complete planning before going to the class. B. Ed Lesson Plan is basically the road map for a teacher. A carefully constructed lesson plan helps the teachers to enter the classroom with confidence as it provides complete path to reach their destination that results in effective teaching.
Six steps to construct a lesson plan are:
1) Identify the learning Objectives: – First of all a teacher needs to identify the learning objectives for the topic taught. Bloom’s taxonomy and RCEM approach are useful resources to write objectives in behavioral terms and to design B. Ed Lesson Plan. Learning objectives are the basis for designing the instructional activities in assessment.
2) Previous Knowledge Assessment: – Before providing new content, it is important to check the previous knowledge of students for that particular topic. This step helps to address any gaps, build upon existing knowledge and lesson can be tailored to meet individual requirements.
3) Selection of Teaching Method’s Resources: – To achieve the learning objectives, it is important to choose the appropriate learning methods and resources according to student’s needs. Interactive teaching strategies should be selected to make teaching-learning process interesting & effective.
4) Sequencing the lesson plan: – Logical sequence facilitates students’ understanding and engagement. In this step, break down complex information into small sets and arrange them in logical sequence. First of all, introduce the key concepts and then provide clear explanations with the help of examples and demonstrations.
5) Designing Assessment and Feedback Devices: – Different Assessment strategies should be incorporated throughout the B. Ed Lesson Plan to determine the achievement of the learning objectives. For this, different types of questions like understanding questions, evaluation-based questions & recapitulation questions can be made. Also, plan for providing feedback during & after the lesson to guide student’s progress, support their learning and also motivate them.
6) Students’ Activities & Home Assignment: -Students’ activities are the crucial part of the lesson plan as they are generally designed to allow students to becomes more involved in the teaching- learning process. At last, to enhance critical thinking skills & creative skills of the students’ home assignment is given to the students. This also helps to develop habit of self-learning.