Science!! Commerce!! Arts!! Cricket Academy!! Tourism!! Etc etc.

Students are perplexed for the same, which stream should one choose for further education. You have a lot of options after 10th class.

As, we are staying in the era of globalization and mobilization. Students are more aware and sincerer for their future. Everyone has a desire of a comfortable life in later stage of the life. Good job secure future.

Why to worry? We have multiple options available for the matriculates. Even Government is boosting and giving emphasis for the matric pass pupils. Various government schemes and initiatives are there for the students.

Students may choose any of the following courses for their good future.

Some of the course options after 10th class are listed as below:

  • Diploma in Fine Arts: If one possesses creative mind and have keen interest in drawings, arts, painting, etc, the best option for them is to choose Fine Arts. One can get the diploma in fine arts, later on pursue further courses in the same to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Polytechnic: If one needs to be in technical field, one can choose the 3 years polytechnic course, in polytechnic there are multiple branches such as Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, etc. It’s a three years course. Students will learn the basic concepts of engineering. In later stage they may also enrol in Course. It is basically skill-oriented course. .

  • Diploma in Stenography: …A very good options for females after completion of their matric. They may choose Stenography course, now a days, even many males are pursuing this course.
  • Diploma in Art teacher: …If you have a desire and passion to teach and have a creative mind, so, the best option is Art Teacher, one can enrol in the course of diploma in Arts, and can become teacher in Arts and drawing.
  • Diploma in Fashion Design: if any pupil understandsfashion and latest trends in apparels, so now even they may pursue diploma course in Fashion designing
  • ITI:Industrial Training Institute: This is a one-year technical Skills course, such as plumbing, Carpentry, Electrician, etc. After completion of the one-year course, they can set up their own establishment or work in industries. Later on, they can enhance their skills and Knowledge.

These are some of the courses, which students can choose after the completion of their matriculation.

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All the Best for your Course!!