Tech Fest and Events
TECHNO-FEST, the annual technical fest of IIMT Group of Colleges, is a kind of mélange celebrated with extravaganza, making it an essential part of course curriculum as it gives IIMTians a platform to showcase their innovative ideas and compete with their peers. What an amalgamation of fun and learning where spectacular ideas are displayed! Students learn and feel inspired. Guided by faculty members, students organize this event successfully. This fest is known for hosting a variety of events that include competitions like Project Expo, Rap Session, Gaddi on Roll, Bridge-O-Mania, Corporate Affair, Code Storm etc. It gives our students a chance to develop and showcase their technical prowess. A footfall of thousands every year from all over India, especially NCR, including students, academia, corporate and the general public, make it a memorable event. Apart from this mega event, dozens of events are organized in the various campuses if IIMT group of Colleges throughout the year. This group is culturally vibrant.